Operation Fool’s Mate 24 by M.L. Baldwin - REVIEW

Ex-soldier Mike Faulkes was living the dream—a loving wife, a stunning home, and an amazing car. Everything was going smoothly until a fateful visit to his old army friend Chris ended with an attack on the army base where Chris is stationed. This kicks off his investigation into a series of seemingly random events, all sharing an eerie familiarity that rings a bell in Mike's mind, and he is reminded of a buried report hinting at something bigger—much bigger—being afoot. 

Now, he finds himself struggling not only to escape the unfolding chaos but also fighting to convince those around him of the impending danger heading their way. 

Operation Fool’s Mate 24 is the debut novel by M.L. Baldwin and the first instalment of the Operation Fool’s Mate series, kicking off with an action-packed military thriller, jam-packed with the tense dynamics of contemporary global politics and current events. Baldwin skilfully weaves his characters and plotlines, creating a gripping and fast-paced story. As the tension builds, you’re left asking yourself, “Could this really happen?” and “What if it did?” This novel is a thrilling exploration of wartime political intrigue that feels both timely and unsettlingly realistic. 

Baldwin's characters are engaging, adding complexity and some much-needed emotional anchors in the midst of fast-paced action. Each character feels like an integral building block of the world Baldwin’s created, either supporting or moving the narrative forward. There is no dead weight in this story—certainly not in our leading man. 

Mike Faulkes is an intriguing main character—capable, clever, and undeniably badass. During his visit with Chris, we quickly learn that Mike is not only a skilled soldier but also a resourceful problem solver, having used his sharp wit on more than one occasion to save both himself and his squad during his many deployments. Even better, Baldwin doesn’t just tell the reader how good Mike is; he shows it. One of the things I hate most as a reader is when I find books where the supporting cast keeps singing the main character's praises, hitting the reader over the head with it but never actually proving it with the character's actions. Baldwin, luckily, doesn’t fall into this trap, as throughout the book, Mike proves—both in words and in action—how skilled he is. 

One standout moment for me was when he figured out how, even though the mobile signals had been jammed during the attack, the phone box was still working. A crafty bit of storytelling that not only backs up Mike's character but also makes you think as a reader about how reliant we are on mobile phones and computers—and how that can be used against us, limiting our immediate resources with a flick of a switch. This leaves the reader feeling both impressed and uneasy. 


Baldwin’s writing style is very digestible and accessible to all, even the casual reader. His pacing and plotting are excellent, steadily building tension to the point where it’s hard to put the book down once you’ve started. His action scenes are particularly well-crafted and exciting, keeping the adrenaline high without feeling rushed. You can almost feel every hit. 


Baldwin's writing is clearly influenced by his own military experience, which adds authenticity and realism to the story. I particularly liked the comments about how most of the soldiers’ tech was always a couple of generations out of date. Little details like that really add up to create a fully realized world. 


Plotting, however, is where I believe this book shines. As a reader, there's a satisfying sense of discovery as you piece together the chaos alongside the characters, with the realization hitting you at the same moment it unfolds in the story. A standout example is when Mike explains his suspicions about the New Republic of Tumat—you can almost feel the weight of his words as the implications sink in. The potential global consequences are startling, reigniting that unsettling question: “What if this really happened?” 

Operation Fool’s Mate 24 also leaves you with what I like to call “Reader’s Homework,” in which the book sparks curiosity in a subject matter the reader might not have looked into before—not because you need to understand what you’re reading, but because of genuine interest sparked by the book. I looked up so many things—from military phrases to the region of Tumat. I even researched the title Fool’s Mate, which turns out to be a chess move (in hindsight, the book cover really should have been a clue). 

In conclusion, Operation Fool's Mate 24 is a thrilling and immersive debut that sets a high bar for the rest of the Fool’s Mate series. Baldwin’s military background shines through in the realistic action sequences and world-building, while his engaging characters and well-paced narrative will keep readers hooked from start to finish.


Operation Fools Mate is available to buy now on Amazon.

Visit the author’s website at https://mlbaldwin.co.uk/.

Ash Jacob

Ash writes features, interviews, spotlights, and book reviews.

Ash is a writer, YouTuber, and Doctor Who obsessive who loves reading and watching things. Many moons ago, he had short stories published in The Bristol Short Story Prize and The Spinetinglers Anthology. A scheme to self-publish a new novel is currently in the works.

Here’s a link Ash’s YouTube, The Chosen Chimp.

His work can be found on our blog.


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