Caught in a RIPtide - Judy Condie

Judy grew up in Surrey and still lives close to her family home. She and Richard brought up three children and, although having a 30 year career working with racehorses, writing was never far from her mind and observational humour was a favourite topic. Her writing was brought to the fore with the cancer diagnosis of her husband and their consequent journey, his death and the desire to escape while coping with loss.Having taken early retirement from a Welfare Manager position at a nursing home, Judy now focusses on her new life and her desire to write, hopefully encouraging others through grief with honesty, a smile and a positive attitude.

GENRE: Grief & Travel


A personal journey solo around Australia and beyond after the loss of my dog, mother and husband close together. This true, emotional, upbeat and often witty story is relatable to anyone after loss.


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