Fireside Horror - P A Sheldon

Paul Alexander Sheldon lives in the West Midlands, in the United Kingdom. He is known for writing horror stories and is greatly influenced by folklore and the works of M.R. James and H.P. Lovecraft. His first book 'Fireside Horror.' - a series of interconnected stories set in the fictional Shropshire town of Wendlelow - was released in spring 2024.

GENRE: Horror


There is a troubled town nestled on the border of Shropshire and Powys. Steeped in folklore, domain of ghosts, it is witch haunted Wendlelow. Pity those who dwell there. Here is a collection of interconnected tales, ghostly, gothic and monstrous, so curl up by the fire, dim the lights, and prepare to be horrified.


Waltzing Hearts - Krish


Camping gone wrong - Nithya Shree