From London Houseboat to Morecambe Mansion - Helen Poskitt

Helen Poskitt lives in Morecambe with her husband after relocating him and several cats northward from London in 2016. After a variety of jobs in London she gained qualifications as a mature student – culminating in an MA in Women Studies and Literature, then a post-grad Journalism diploma. Currently she is self-publishing the antidote to Round Robins: From London Houseboat to Morecambe Mansion. This is a compilation of humorous annual newsletters (2012 – 2023). Entitled Morry-Cambi Minstrel and previously Cube News when written from a London houseboat. Currently ‘retired’, Helen always wanted to be an author but didn’t get her first novel, Rising to the Surface, out until 2007 (Chipmunkapublishing, 2007, 2012) due to being crippled by Perfectionism. Whilst a voluntary mental health advocate for OCD-sufferers, Helen was commissioned to write non-fiction The Essential Guide to OCD: Help for Families and Friends (LionHudson, 2013). A humorous chapter in Taking Control of OCD ed. by David Veale and Rob Willson (Constable & Robinson, 2011) followed, plus several humorous articles for the OCD Action magazine. Helen’s poems are published in several anthologies and she has a portfolio of published magazine articles, several of which she illustrated. Between fostering cats for a local animal charity, learning Latiin and trying to get her recent lit fiction novel The Cannes Affair adopted by an agent, Helen does StandUp as a variety of characters. She’s also a member of the Society of Authors (in a bid to look respectable), Amnesty Int, Greenpeace and NAVS.

GENRE: Humour


Due to popular demand enjoy a compilation of annual satirical newsletters – the perfect antidote to smug Round Robins! Think rancorous Sparrow. These missives made people laugh a lot in London and Morecambe, despite Christmas. The tale of a London couple old enough to know better. In 2016, after 14 years rocking on the river Thames, our anti-heroes vacated their floating shed to stumble onto dry land. They were on an upward trajectory – to the wilds of windswept West-End Morecambe ...


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