Light Worker - Anna DeBey
Years of writing unpublished poems and books as a hobby, finally found a ground to share with the wide public. The Author was born, bred and educated in Central Europe with a background in the Balkans. As a child lived in the South of Europe, in a multicultural, multi ethnic, multireligious and multilingual community, she was taught to respect diversity and humanity predominantly. Being a child in a bilingual family and living in a multilingual area, the author learned six languages and understands as much as she speaks. She was exposed to different educational systems, national traditions and moral guidance. What was good for one group was wrong for others, taught her to see only what was good or bad in a person, leading her to understand what spirituality is and accept people for their character and behaviour. Unable to accept what racial, national or group attraction meant to individuals, she decided to become a world person, a world national denying regional affiliation. She first hand experienced racism, nationalism, segregation, discrimination based on her gender, nationality and name, that gave her an idea that no person is all good or bad, all the time, including herself. Her life experience in combination with all the people she met on her life journey made her start documenting everything she saw and heard in words. She lived in several European countries and visited almost every country in the continent, learning about traditions, history and modern social ethic. Being open to new experiences and meeting interesting people, she understood that each of us has a life philosophy to pass onto the next generation and their wisdom should be a moral guidance for everyone lost in the modern world. The books written by the author are written in a symbolic way, absorbing true characters' emotions and thoughts, leading readers unintentionally to the book's message. Places described in books are covered, together with names of true characters in order for readers to focus on the message. Judging others usually means closing yourself to new experiences and evolving as a human. The topic of the book should encourage everyone to think about their own and other people's behaviour that affect the lives of people in the environment and judge their own influence on events. Every action has a domino effect and all of us have an impact on someone’s life; this is what the Author wanted to pass onto readers.
GENRE: Contemporary Drama
Urruh is a lightworker at the end of her cycle. She was given a choice to ascend without possibility to ever return to earth or to be someone's Teacher. One incident brought her to the slavery of condemned nation where she met her long lost friend from her past lives, Arahdahl. Urruh understood that the only way out of this unfortunate situation and be forgiven was to go back to earth and help him to evolve. Two souls had to find each other on Earth, among billions of people, facing many realist