Martine The Girl in the Shadows - Martine Lachambre

Martine is 56 years old and has 2 chihuahua dogs that keep her busy. She is currently studying for a BSc Hons in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Portsmouth University. She wrote her autobiography because every time she mentioned a small episode of her childhood, people would say she should write a book, so eventually she did. She is still married to Kenneth and they have two daughters and a gorgeous 13 year granddaughter.

GENRE: Autobiography in the third person


A gritty story a child born in South Africa in 1968, she was an unwanted child living in isolation within her family Amidst the chaos of her home life, Martine found solace in nature and friends for a period of time. Martine was often locked out, alone, and hungry from a young age. She slept overnight in the doorway of her flat, fearing the shadows and vulnerable to the evils of the night. Her childhood was filled with broken innocence and emotional pain, but her spirit was never broken!


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