Sisters' Vendetta - Carma McConahay
Carma is an individual with diverse experience across various fields, including medical billing, wedding organizing, photography, notary signing agent, and professional clowning, which are among her favorites. She was born in Colorado and has resided in Arkansas, Texas, Wyoming, and Utah. In 1999, she relocated to Colorado. In 1994, she lost her spouse and then found love again in 1997. Her spouse, Jerry, is employed in the healthcare sector. Carma's four-legged children are the focal point of her existence. Carma embraces every adventure that comes her way; she delights in exploring new experiences, engaging in novel activities, and making the most of the life that Heavenly Father has given her. Her husband and she lead lives enriched by the love of being children of the Heavenly Father, and they are members of the restored church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
GENRE: Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Brian Hughes leaned against the sleek surface of the bar, the sophisticated Manhattan lounge's background noise softly humming in his ears. His expensive suit was bathed in a golden glow from soft lights that fit over it, highlighting the well-constructed façade he wore. Smirking, Brian imagined to himself that he was a doctor of love, but in reality, he was a master of deception. Swishing the rest of the bourbon in his glass, he thought, "Just another heart to mend," but he knew the truth