Some Sense of It - Linda DeGree

Linda DeGree is an educator, farmwife, mother and grandmother. She and her husband, who was a dairy farmer, grew more than crops andlivestock. They welcomed over 50 foster children into their home as well as 7 foreign exchange students. They adopted a six year old child from Thailand, and had 4 biological children of their own. Linda has published 3 coming-of-age books, 4 children's books, one poetry book, and two on-line poetry classes. Llinda enjoys crocheting dresses and stuffed animals,. She also enjoys spending time with family and friends. Her books are all inspired by family and friends.

GENRE: coming-of-age fiction


Margie lives a complicated life. Her romances are complicated. Her teaching job is complicated. Her social justice activities are complicated. Margie strives to find "some sense" in her life. This book is written in letter form with honest and soul-searching poems sprinkled within them.


Where seagulls land - Michael Cartwright


Hope: A Journey of Self Love - Renee Louise