The lifestyle and adventure of Ace McDice, Stretch Deed & moonshine Melody - Doug McPhillips
Doug McPhillips, adventurer and founder of commenced this journey of discovery over a decade ago as a result of life-changing experiences. The broad and expansive journey of his Camino is more than a geographic excursion. The many tracks he traversed on his Camino’s has taught lessons of mental, physical and spiritual healing and a new creative direction. The people he met along the way and the inward discovery on his 800km trek from St. Jean-Pied-de-Port in France to Santiago Spain has resulted in his albums of songs, poetry and novels of his life experience inspired by the journey.
It tells of each character's lifestyle and united bent as wild men of Australia's west who set upon a plan to rob the Sugar and Tea Express. How the plan manifested and what drove them to an apparent reckless course in gaining the never to be found out robbery reward is a colourful story herein.The story tells of the life they all led before and after the robbery, but in life gaining wealth by devious means always seems to ultimately bring later regrets.Well at least for read on.