Toby and Ben - by Ant Mac
Author Bio
Ant Mac has a joint BA Honours in English Literature and History and writes for both adults and children. As a poet, before releasing his first collection of poetry, When Nature Calls: Sea, Air and Land, he was published in a number of poetry magazines and anthologies: ANU, The Pavement magazine, Eclipse Lit, Black Rose, Eclipse Poetry, Open Door, The Nightingale Poetry Journal and In This Life (poetry anthology). As an author, he has written two books for children: The Tale of Little Beak and Toby and Ben.
Genre: Children's Fiction
Synopsis: Just like most children his age, Toby was eager for the end of the school week and the start of the weekend. However, for Toby, who had been saving up for weeks and weeks, this weekend was to be like no other. In fact it was safe to say that the coming Saturday would change Toby's life forever, as it would signal the start of a very new and special friendship. Their bond would be testing at times yet remain unbreakable.
Author note: Who was this new friend and how would Toby cope with all the changes and pressures this new friendship would bring?