Up in Smoke…a life? - Neil van Schalkwyk

Neil van Schalkwyk is a recovering heroin addict that was always seen walking around with a book and pen and just sat down at any moment when he felt the urge to write down how he was feeling, sort of like his therapy and for some reason it always rhymed. One day he decided to edit some of it and create a poetry book. Living outside more than once gave him a completely different outlook on life and made him exceptionally cold and then love broke all of that in 1 minute. Change was inevitable, after all the death, abuse and hate in his life there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel…or was there?

GENRE: Poetry


Losing most people you love and being abused gives you a completely different outlook on life. Keeping everything that hurts inside is bot healthy so masking that pain with every drug I could lay my hands on caused addiction. The heroin numbed but I needed to vent so I wrote everything down and for some reason it rhymed so I called it poetry. Edited it and turned it into my first book. Poems on raw emotion, heroin addiction, love and loss all while it felt like I was losing my mind…Gotta love it


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