Science fiction has the ability to excite, inspire, and most importantly, analyse. It's no wonder then that many classics of modern literature are nestled firmly in the sci-fi genre. Sci-fi has the power to commentate on the waking world with a level of wisdom and omniscience unreachable in other genres, whilst providing a full-course meal for the imagination. Whether it's via anomalies discovered in good old home-grown Planet Earth, or journies into the farthest reaches of the universe, readers of good science fiction can often enjoy the guarantee of not only unique and imaginative concepts, but also an enlightening change in perspective.

Message From Orion is one such novel. It is an intriguing and often cryptic tale of mankind's brush with the truth about the small blue planet they occupy, as well as a fictitious expose of just some of the secrets hiding across distant light years and in planets unbeknownst to the human race. Author, John Smith’s deep and sometimes poetic tale of otherworldly encounters with shrouded alien beings contains just the right balance of wonderment and subtlety, delivering a tale told from a small perspective, but one that also tumbles into a vast narrative of cosmic scope.

Whilst wandering alone in his garden one night, the novel's main character, John meets Su, a mysterious and wise alien with a keen interest in Planet Earth. Su has a message for John, and a proposition for adventure and discovery that our central protagonist is hard-pressed to decline. So begins a turbulent and ever-evolving relationship with John's surrounding universe, and a crash course in controlling the ‘Orb’: A tailored transport vessel, able to alter its size and forge a complex symbiotic relationship with its user. Only with this tool can John reach outside the realms of normality and peel back the layers of truth as instructed by his alien visitor.

However, this task cannot be done alone. John must call upon the assistance of Dr Dale, a scientist with a keen interest in a distant planet, and one with a big part to play in the future of Planet Earth. Together these two seemingly non-cohesive humans must plot their journey across the stars and gather semblance on not only their own destinies, but the future of Earth itself.

Message From Orion is set consistently through the eyes and ears of its main character and builds a tale of present circumstance and past revelations to ensure the reader is fully locked in by the time the main quest of the book is underway. It is filled with insights and philosophy and a deep understanding of the human condition, which renders each chapter a small fable unto itself. Those planning to take the journey of Message From Orion can expect the unexpected and gain some hearty food for thought along the way.

John Smith uses his cataclysmic novel to paint a story that is introspective by large whilst looking out to the grander schemes of reality. But alongside this, he also gives detailed descriptions of the mysterious and the fantastic in a great deal of strange and wonderful places. One particular aspect that never ceases to astound is The Orb. The Orb serves as a companion, a protector, and a mode of transport. Smith describes this item as an ever-expanding and ever-changing device that behaves like an organism unto itself, and reading how the main characters gradually build up trust and understanding with the orb across their mission helps plant this particular story in the perfect blend of fantasy and sensory plausibility.

Whilst being physically grounded, Message From Orion also touches on the ideas of purpose, and humanity's place in the seemingly random chain of events which occupy our daily lives. As with some of the finest science fiction novels in existence, this novel attempts to answer some of the questions surrounding who we are and where we're going by bringing the bigger purpose of the universe into the fold. Some highly interesting propositions of what the meaning of life really is are brought to the table and adds an inspiring element to the already rich tapestry of this book.

Without giving too much away, one may also be surprised by some of the thematically linked tales woven towards the end of the book, and how they fit into the gander puzzle that Message From Orion offers to its readers. These provide further demonstration of John Smith’s abilities as a writer, and his ability to put emotion and intensity at the forefront of his work. The novel assures us that science fiction hinges heavily on the clarity of its characters and the stories they occupy rather than the scientific concepts themselves, though those too are important. It's all about how these components are brought in perfect synergy with one another.

If you're looking for a deep and character-driven dose of sci-fi with a vast quantity of scope and heart, then Message From Orion is sure to tick all of those boxes. It draws from some of the wisest nuances of the science fiction genre and uses them to create a measured tale with the right amount of twists, excitement and drama. John Smith has written a unique piece of fiction which may take a couple of goes to fully unpack, but only because of its depth and richness, not to mention its ability to render readers fully lost in a universe of cosmic wonder.

You can order Message From Orion on Kindle or Paperback at Amazon.

Ash Jacob

Ash writes features, interviews, spotlights, and book reviews.

Ash is a writer, YouTuber, and Doctor Who obsessive who loves reading and watching things. Many moons ago, he had short stories published in The Bristol Short Story Prize and The Spinetinglers Anthology. A scheme to self-publish a new novel is currently in the works.

Here’s a link Ash’s YouTube, The Chosen Chimp.

His work can be found on our blog.



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