7 Highly Anticipated Debut Sci-Fi / Fantasy Titles of 2021
When boredom and frustration becomes an unfortunate side-effect of everyday life, escaping into literature can be a fun way to pass the time, especially when it transports you to realms of the unknown. No doubt, your desire to dive into far away places is stronger than ever, and thankfully this desire is shared by a host of brilliant new writers. Their enthralling stories show blistering creativity, and are often strikingly relevant to the world we live in.
Sci-fi, fantasy, and all the in-between remains the go-to place to deepen the understanding of ourselves and each other. It is indeed a time for us to wonder, to dream, and to expand our knowledge. Broadening imaginative horizons can be an enlightening experience no matter who you are, and here are just a few of the debut names fuelling that process in 2021.