Perhaps many could make the assumption that adults cannot learn anything new from a book aimed at children, whereas parents who frequently read educational books to their young will know that the opposite is true. As a father of two, I can indeed clarify that much of the science, history and trivia I’ve learned in recent years has been from children's books. No joke.

And with this particular title, that expanse of knowledge only grew, to my delight. Emma Juhasz is a blogger and author of children’s non-fiction, and is gradually building a catalogue of educational books aimed at young learners, ages six and above. The ‘What…. Do?’ series, published under Mighty Shepherd Publishing, already has the releases, What Do Vets Do? and What Do Construction Workers Do? available for purchase. And now comes a vibrant new title, this time all about the world of football.

What Football Job Can You Do? gives children an energetic crash-course in all things football, the game beloved by millions across the globe. It contains stats, obscure facts, insights and a rundown of the beautiful game in fluid detail and easy-to-read bite-size chunks, displayed alongside pleasant and light-hearted illustrations of people at work and at play. This means that the book isn’t just a treasure trove of written content. Every page has a character and a story, to help annotate the indispensable pieces of information beside them.

Following an introduction that explains the basic premise of football and its popularity, along with some fascinating bullet-points of facts that even the seasoned football lover might have previously been unaware of, What Football Job Can You Do? then goes into marvellous depth covering the surprisingly numerous job titles involved in serving the football industry as a whole, from managers, coaches and physiotherapists, through to agents, operations managers and even chefs. After a clear overview of these roles, the book then proceeds to go into further detail for each one, giving a deeper dive for those interested in that particular field.

On reading this as an adult, and one who isn’t fully versed in football, it’s easy to tell that the book’s author has put a great deal of time, research and enthusiasm into describing the ins and outs of the industry. The world of football is explained as an entity far greater than just the eleven-approx players seen on the pitch. Emma Juhasz treats her readers with intelligence and allows children to learn the inner parts of the football machine in all of its intricate glory. Her mission of helping kids keep their options open at an early age reads loud and clear.

However this is only some of the delights on offer. What Football Job Can You Do? is stuffed with a helpful inventory of everything the budding footballer needs and what they can expect if/when they choose to progress in the industry. There is also the occasional activity page offering board games, crafting ideas, and other fun things that the reader can try at home. There are also rules and instructions for football-related games of various sorts, meaning the book encourages physical activity on an ongoing proactive basis.

From the outset, it also demonstrates an exemplary level of inclusion, as should be the honest reflection of any sport or industry. The illustrations seen in What Football Job Can You Do? depict people of numerous ethnicities, religious backgrounds, and genders to portray the wonderfully diverse ideal of football at its finest. Likewise, there is a refreshing quantity of characters both adult and child with disabilities, many of whom have wheelchairs or other walking aids, but also gives notable attention towards those struggling with hearing and eyesight. This level of inclusion gives a more earnest weight to the idea that football is a game for everyone, and is a wonderful assurance for somebody who may otherwise feel marginalised when pursuing a career in sport.

Running along the same ethos of inviting all onto the pitch with warmth and kindness, the purpose of this book appears also to be to teach youngsters that not meeting the extremely narrow criteria of becoming a professional player of national or international success does not mean that the dream is over, and that there are many more avenues to pursue in order to retain one’s passion. This is truly an important message in today's world where pressure on the young appears at an all time high, and Emma Juhasz addresses this directly and early on in the book to assure her readers that excessive grind is not the only pathway to a successful career.

What Football Job Can You Do? is an enthusiastic, friendly and loving book aimed at delivering information and advice with no shortage of happiness. There is no doubt that Emma Juhasz has a passion for football, but it’s the wholly natural way with which she delivers this message that makes this guide such a treat. The fact that it offers a place for all in society is a huge part of its charm as well as the practical, realistic, and encouraging way that it explains the industry to the readers. No matter who you are, this book welcomes you and takes you on a journey of fun, education and the perfect level of motivation for any young reader. It’s a truly wonderful piece of work, and here’s hoping that more in the What…Do? range will be available in the future.

You can order What Football Job Can You Do? and find out more about Emma Juhasz and her books at emmajuhasz.com

Ash Jacob

Ash writes features, interviews, spotlights, and book reviews.

Ash is a writer, YouTuber, and Doctor Who obsessive who loves reading and watching things. Many moons ago, he had short stories published in The Bristol Short Story Prize and The Spinetinglers Anthology. A scheme to self-publish a new novel is currently in the works.

Here’s a link Ash’s YouTube, The Chosen Chimp.

His work can be found on our blog.


