Did She See you - BOOK REVIEW

From the mind of writer, Jason Johnson comes a deep-diving thriller which explores the human condition with an intense boldness that might leave you breathless. Expect a journey with lashings of drama, introspect and intrigue! Did She See You? is not a novel to be taken lightly, but it is one strong enough to hook the reader in and hold them there until the very last paragraph. If you're looking for an expertly-crafted piece of fiction that draws from some of the deepest and most quick-witted components of the thriller genre, then this could be the one for you.

Did She See You? tells the story of Denis, a motivational coach who struggles to put the pieces of his life back together after a severely traumatic event within this family. At one time, he and the love of his life, Fiz were tasked with caring for their severely schizophrenic teenage daughter, Mim. But that struggle came to a tragic end when Mim murdered her own mother in a freak chain of events at their family home in Ireland. With Mim now institutionalised and his life-partner now gone, Denis must bring clarity to his tormented mind by pressing his daughter for the answer to one simple question: “Did she see you?

Things grow ever-more turbulent when demons, past and present, return to haunt Denis' restless spirit, alongside the appearance of Dagny, a modern-age social media icon with an unhealthy obsession with Denis' life and history. Denis must defend his legacy, and his own sanity whilst retaining the vestiges of a life he has sought desperately to rebuild. Though with numerous forces pressing down on his increasingly fragile mind, this will be far from easy.

It’s likely that those going into this book will be drawn in fairly quickly, not only by the tight narrative structure, but also the depth through which Jason Johnson articulates his characters. The world portrayed in Did She See You? is one built from moments that occur in the past, which are then interspersed with the present to efficiently sow story and atmosphere in an intricately woven fashion. When describing this novel, one must be careful not to give away spoilers, however it can be said that revelations continue to emerge all the way through to the end, and there is virtually no stagnating point to be found anywhere in Johnson’s writing.


Jason Johnson manages to articulate the human psyche in all of its messy brilliance, by focussing on a character who is as fundamentally flawed as he is a helpless product of his life-experience. Likewise, Johnson’s depiction of Mim, and her severely challenging condition is nothing short of marvellous. The unflinching accounts of her behaviour, leading up to the crux of the story, pack a real punch and provide context to the trauma experienced by those forced to keep her and themselves safe in tandem. By not sugar-coating this element of the story, a powerful sense of gravitas is added to the already fluid tension and drama of the book.

Through much of the unfolding mystery, Mim remains as the central enigma, especially when her unsettling talent for verbalising the surrounding digital landscape through a continuous stream of seemingly nonsensical words and phrases grows ever more apparent during the destruction of her family life. And this is one of the most prominent examples of Jason Johnson’s uncanny ability to engineer tension from what appears on the surface to be random. In this regard he utilises conventions found in some of the best mystery books out there.

It’s interesting how the varying aspects of this novel riff off of one another to build the impression that all facets of life have equal importance. This is clear as our main character Denis is compelled to maintain his career with the same vigour as seeking resolution to the trauma of his past. As the book declares itself to be something of a puzzle, so are the characters themselves. And Denis is not alone in this regard. Even the supporting characters, be they minor or major, in in good prospects or teetering on the seedier side of life, appear as rubix cubes unto themselves which the reader then has the pleasure unearthing throughout the course of the book.

So the components of an engaging mystery are established, where the emotions of regret, anger and anxiety reign supreme. But these traits would be superfluous if it weren't for the slick and imaginative way in which the writer crafts each chapter. Believable dialogue blends in with surreal observations, which allow the reader to explore the crumbling wellbeing of their narrator with greater depth. Tense descriptions of high-adrenaline moments cause intrigue and excitement, and the ability Johnson has to bind everything together in one slick and ultimately credible scenario ensures that all of these explosive elements are kept together in fine balance.

Did She See You? Is a hidden gem that contains everything a dark thriller should, but goes the extra mile to be truly individual in the process. Via this novel, Jason Johnson, demonstrates his flair as a storyteller and cerebral craftsman who ensures his audience stay glued until the closing act, and a little beyond. As already stated, not a great deal more can be said about this stunning piece of work without revealing too much, only that to dive in headfirst and expect the unexpected is a wise approach for all who dare enter.


You can grab your copy of Did She See You? from Bookshop.org or in Kindle format from Amazon.

Ash Jacob

Ash writes features, interviews, spotlights, and book reviews.

Ash is a writer, YouTuber, and Doctor Who obsessive who loves reading and watching things. Many moons ago, he had short stories published in The Bristol Short Story Prize and The Spinetinglers Anthology. A scheme to self-publish a new novel is currently in the works.

Here’s a link Ash’s YouTube, The Chosen Chimp.

His work can be found on our blog.


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