How to stay relevant after publishing your book

When you’re marketing your book, it’s important to be creative and think outside the box. There are several ways to get your book noticed, and it’s up to you to find the ones that work best for you and your book. Be sure to be active on social media, do book launches, appear on podcasts and radio interviews, and have a mailing list. You can also make your books available in different formats to increase sales. By being creative and thinking outside the box, you’ll be sure to stay relevant after publishing your book. So you’ve put in the work, struggled with writing and now your “baby” is in your hands, now what? The key to staying relevant is to:

Throw a Book Launch

It’s time to celebrate! You’ve put in the work, now throw a book launch to celebrate your hard work. This can be an excellent opportunity to invite renowned guests who can help market your book further. Attending other book launches and reading

events also help spread the message about your book. Hosting book events such as book clubs can attract new readers and help you with sales.

Leverage your online presence for success

Being on social media is strategic in building your author brand. Connect with followers and engage with them, often hosting giveaways or inviting guests on your platform to discuss trending topics, whether related to your book or current affairs.


Create a blog

If you’re a writer, starting a blog is a great way to promote your work and build an audience for your book. A blog can help you connect with readers and give them a taste of your writing style. It can also be a great platform for sharing book excerpts, conducting interviews, and providing behind-the- scenes information about your writing process. Of course, starting a blog takes time and effort, but it’s well worth it if you’re serious about promoting your work. A blog can help you to build an audience for your book, connect with other writers, and share your thoughts and ideas with the world.

Grow an email list

Your readers want to hear from you and this is one of the ways to do it. Carry scannable QR codes with an effective Call To Action (CTA). An effective CTA could include offering a free ebook in exchange for contact details or driving your book sales.


Start a podcast

If your book has 10 chapters, you are potentially looking at 20 episodes of podcasting. You can invite other experts to talk about certain topics that you have highlighted in your book. You can also make money whilst doing this by way of advertising and getting other brands to be interested in your work.


Turn your book into an audio format

Producing audiobooks is a fantastic way authors can reach a new audience, promoting inspiration and enhancing new skills. Not only is spoken word time saving, but it is also helpful so you can focus on other tasks. Readers find that Audiobooks listening helps one remember things more easily rather than reading. It improves memory and has the ability to boost our moods and disrupt negative thinking patterns, a terrific way to reduce stress and help with mental stimulation. Audio Books For Inclusion Authors are able to play an active role in society through the transition from paperback to audiobooks by including disadvantaged or disabled members of society, specifically the blind.


Turn your book into a film

Adapting a film based on a book allows the author to tap into an audience they would otherwise not have reached through their book. The majority of people nowadays prefer to watch films based on books rather than reading the book itself. The question then becomes, “How best can I as an author get more people to know my story?” Create a movie based on your book! A thousand-paged book can be summed up into a one-hour thirty-minutes film, which is the preferred entertainment for the majority. Book genres that seem to be popular in this regard are fiction, autobiographies and science fiction books.

Having a book adapted into film helps eliminate language barriers through the use of subtitles in the film with some going on to learn new languages whilst watching the film. Film adaptations can also be said to be solving the problem of illiteracy in various communities that either do not prioritise reading or are unable to afford to purchase books for entertainment purposes. Adapting a book into film brings the author’s imagination into reality, although not as close to the imagination the author might have had. Films are adapted to reach a wider audience, for example, my personal favourite currently is The Wife Series by author Dudu Busani Dube. It is largely based on the book Hlomu, The Wife.Worth a read and worth watching! The actors’ cast, however, and some of the scenarios might be very different from those of the book for dramatic purposes but in this series we get to experience as close a visual representation as possible.

Collect book reviews

Book reviews are a great way to gain credibility from your readers. You need readers for your book to sell. Readers’ word of mouth can be a powerful tool that will see your book being picked up and sales moving quickly. Find out where to get book reviews in my previous post here.


About the author:


As a creative, publisher, and author, Rudo Muchoko has become a passionate supporter of publishing works. She writes, edits, and publishes books, magazines, and audiobooks with the aim to lead and mentor authors using the suggestions in her book Awakening the Power of Self Publishing: The Ultimate Guide


In this Guide you will discover:


📌 The importance of author credibility


📌The differences between traditional publishing methods and self-publishing


📌The advantages of getting book reviews


📌Establishing and maintaining meaningful publishing relationships


📌Maximising your online presence


📌Creating a successful book marketing strategy


📌Keeping your book relevant and profitable after it has been published!


Pre-Order here





Rudo Muchoko

As a creative, publisher, and author, Rudo Muchoko has become a passionate supporter of publishing works. She writes, edits, and publishes books, magazines, and audiobooks with the aim to lead and mentor authors using the suggestions in her book Awakening the Power of Self Publishing: the ultimate Guide

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