How to be an Author in the Digital Age.

Nowadays, being an author is about so much more than just writing a great book. Authors must become their own marketeers, technicians, social media managers, tour organisers.... you get the gist.

It quickly becomes an insurmountable task. And, why should you, as an author, have to learn all of these skills and spend time applying them? Shouldn't you be focused on your creativity? On your craft?

Let's see...

You'll need a website, social media content, an email list, a handle on events management, book tours... the list goes on.

So how do you go about becoming a successful author in the modern day? That's where we -- The Book Network --can help.

We provide digital services to lighten the load of being an author in such a noisy marketplace.

We offer a range of services that can help you be a more successful author.

These include:

-A website that’s beautifully designed and easy to use, with content that inspires readers and helps them find out more about your books.

-Social media accounts with engaging content and beautiful imagery.

-An email list that you can use to keep in touch with readers.

-Book tours that help you connect with potential readers and sell more books.

-A handle on events management, so you can get the most out of opportunities such as book fairs and festivals.

-A team of professionals who know how to market your books online and offline.

-A book that’s perfectly designed, with a cover that draws readers in and makes them want to read—and buy—your books.

-Book reviews from influencers who will help you reach new readers.

-Social media accounts with engaging content and beautiful imagery.

-A press release that draws attention from the media, so you can get published in newspapers and magazines.

These services are designed to ease and direct the marketing process, empowering you to focus on the part of being an author that you most enjoy: writing. They include everything from website creation, to social media management, email lists and much more. That way, marketing doesn't have to be a pain – it can be a useful tool for getting your work out there.

Interested? Contact us to find out more information.


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