Philip Tyler - Catharsis: Landscapes of Love - Review by Ash Jacob

Philip Tyler is a writer, famer, photographer and conservationist, currently living in the Yorkshire Dales. It’s here that he has created lakes and woodland in order to cultivate a multitude of wildlife. The picturesque tranquillity of his stud farm home, where he also breeds horses, sheep and ponies may well be the inspiration for his written work. Alongside his real-life farming pursuits, passion for nurturing nature, and talent for taking pictures, Philip has written a trilogy of novels, titled Landscapes of Love. These books depict the aesthetic natural beauty of Planet Earth, and combine it with some of the potent human feelings found within it.


The first in this trilogy, titled Catharsis: Landscapes of Love, is an epic tale of romance and danger that spans across the world in a series of exciting events, taking readers from a family estate in the Yorkshire Dales and through to America, Europe, Africa and many more beyond. It is a story centred around love, commitment, and an earnest desire to do the right thing, no matter the cost. Philip Tyler draws from a wealth of personal knowledge and experience, and fuses them with an adventurous fictional setting to give readers a journey containing no half measures.


Catharsis: Landscapes of Love is told through the eyes of Charlie, a female estate owner and landscape photographer who, whilst taking photos at the Yorkshire Dales, has a chance encounter with Daniel, a conservationist and mercenary for hire who will go to any lengths to rid the world of poachers and the wealthy businessmen who benefit from the callous ivory trade. After being rescued by Daniel from a dangerous attack in another country, Charlie begins an exotic and passionate love affair with this mysterious stranger, who in turn absorbs her into a world of danger and wonder that will change her life forever.


Joining them along these ever-thrilling exploits are a host of supporting characters, with none being more prominent than Anne-Marie, a dedicated and charismatic Afro-American lady who knows the deadlier secrets of Daniel’s line of work, and will go to any length to protect her closest allay and his newly-found love. So begins a triangle of mutual affection which lights a fire under this already engaging story. Philip Tyler takes his characters on a ride where safety is not guaranteed, but loyalty prevails throughout, and the more readers get to know these central protagonists, the more the respective weaknesses and desires of Daniel, Charlie and Anne-Marie are uncovered.


As Daniel, Charlie and Anne-Marie travel from one location to the next in their quest to avenge the fallen and put right the malicious harm done to the animal kingdom and the environment, Philip Tyler displays a strong level of knowledge in a number of fields. As one might expect, his understanding of the true work gone into environmental conservation is intricate. But he also showcases a high level of trivia regarding countries, their history and their people. These frequent layers of information enrich the story and plant the fictional tale in a realistic setting, creating a credible and full-bodied balance for audiences.


Another wonderful element to this book are the pictures which serve to contextualise much of the descriptive text. The photographs are sourced from a wealth of different photographers, as are the marvellously crafted drawings, many of which were provided by artist and gallery owner, Nolon Stacey. As brought together in this book, the images collated by Philip Tyler are the icing on the cake as far as bringing the story of Catharsis to life is concerned. They provide invigorating snapshots of this often beautiful planet as seen through the eyes of the characters who are toiling endlessly to preserve it.


Ultimately, Catharsis serves as an adventure story, with the leading male character having an almost James Bond collectiveness about him, and his lover, Charlie displaying no end of adventurousness and bravery. Among the romance and insights offered in this novel, readers can also expect lashings of action, bouts of wicked humour, and a true thrill-ride where the bad guys receive their comeuppance and the goodies reap the rewards for their righteous deeds. Going from the peaceful Yorkshire Dales to the later and decidedly more explosive locations across the world is quite the transition, and one which is sure to keep readers intrigued and well-fed as the story unfolds.


However, Catharsis: Landscapes of Love is a romance novel at its core, and one where the sacred bonds of companionship don’t come cheap. Daniel, though a passionate lover in his own right, is bound by a profound devotion to his deceased former love, Elizabeth, meaning his intimacy with Charlie is a personal challenge to begin with. But this is the foundation on which the story builds, as the two main characters grow ever closer to each other. In a series of enticing and tender moments, inhibitions are broken apart, and the love between Daniel and Charlie grows ever more physical, with passion and affection kept at the forefront at all times.


Catharsis: Landscapes of Love is a mix of heart, desire and excitement that ticks a great deal of boxes within one neatly woven book. As well as crafting a clearly written dedication to the real-life heroes who protect the animal kingdom from human damage, Philip Tyler also paints a love letter to the senses, and those reading may want to immediately jump to the next novel in this series in order to continue their dreamy journey alongside these effortlessly vibrant characters. Those seeking passion and adventure in their reading this summer need look no further.


To find out more about this book, and where you can order your own copy, visit the Landscapes of Love website here.

Ash Jacob

Ash writes features, interviews, spotlights, and book reviews.

Ash is a writer, YouTuber, and Doctor Who obsessive who loves reading and watching things. Many moons ago, he had short stories published in The Bristol Short Story Prize and The Spinetinglers Anthology. A scheme to self-publish a new novel is currently in the works.

Here’s a link Ash’s YouTube, The Chosen Chimp.

His work can be found on our blog.

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