Routes to Publishing- What is Self-Publishing?

The Digital age has given us many things, but one of the most incredible advantages of Modern Media is the ability to self-create, self-distribute and self-own. The internet is awash with content creators; from YouTubers to TikTok stars, Podcasters to Filmmakers. Now, if you're reading this and wondering; 'Isn't this The Book Network, why are we talking about YouTube and TikTok?' fear not, because Authorship and Publishing have their prideful place in the world of Content Creation, and it is all thanks to the sometimes frightening inter-connected world we all find ourselves in.

I'm talking about Self-Publishing. What is Self-Publishing? Well, it's sort of in the title. Self-Publishing is when you take on the Publishing duties for your work. There are several different applications you can use for Self-Publishing your work, here are three that are worth you investigating more:

Number 1: Kindle Direct Publishing

Yes, there aren't many stones that Jeff Bezos hasn't left unturned, and Kindle Direct Publishing is Amazon's answer to Self-Publishing. KDP is exactly what you would expect from an Amazon Publishing service. For one thing, it's free (cha-ching). As well as this, there's a snazzy video guide on the landing page which is both charming and informative. KDP is awash with how-to guides for their Publishing process. What's more, you're given complete control. KDP hands the keys over to you as you set your Amazon Detail Page (in other words, where readers go to buy your book), upload your manuscript, order proof copies, set your rights and pricing etc. KDP promises up to 70% royalties on your work (that 30% accounts for why you don't have to pay upfront), and your book will appear on Kindle stores within a couple of days.

It's all up to you when it comes to KDP. You choose how your book will look to Readers/Buyers, you choose who to target, you edit your book, you set the price, you get the royalties (most of them anyway). However, you are also the one who will have to promote your book. Kindle Direct Publishing isn't a marketing service. Marketing is a huge part of the Self-Publishing journey and without it, you could end up selling a paltry number of copies. Marketing your work takes time, strategy and money.

When using Kindle Direct Publishing it is important to consider your end goals. For instance, if you want to be able to say; 'I've published my own Book on Amazon,' then KDP is perfect because you'll get exactly that. This service is perfect for the people who love their content and are happy to share it with as little or as many people as possible, as long as it is out there, then it's a job well done. After all, that is the beauty of Self-Publishing, we get to feel that immense pride and joy of having Published work. However, if you are determined that your work only falls into the latter category of being read by as many people as possible, then you are going to put in some extra work that KDP won't do for you

In the words of Monty Python; "and now for something completely different..."

Number 2: Unbound

Unbound couldn't be more different to Kindle Direct Publishing if it tried. Whereas KDP, as is its name, would suggest a direct service, where you get your book published on your terms in a matter of days, Unbound is a different kettle of fish.

In the broadest of terms, Unbound uses a crowdfunding method to enable you to finance a publication, after which you receive an approximate 50/50 split of Royalties with United Authors Publishing Ltd (the official publisher in this scenario).

"Unbound is a crowdfunding publisher that works for everybody," says the slogan atop the 'How it works' segment of their website. So, how does it work? The first step is the pitch; think you have a great book that the world needs to read? Well then, pitch the idea to the commissioning editors at Unbound and they'll decide whether your project is worth bumping along to the next stage. That next stage is the crowdfunding process, and it will take up to 8 weeks for you to find out if you've been given the go-ahead to crowdfund (the team at Unbound are small-knit unlike the behemoth of Amazon's KDP).

The crowdfunding process is where you rally pledgers to prop up the funds to get your book published at Unbound. Again, this a lengthy process and can take anywhere between 3-6 months, but once you reach your fundraising goal it's time to get published. Unbound launch a group of in-house and freelance, editors, proofreaders, cover designers and have the benefit of their in-house distribution and marketing teams to boot. However, this process is the lengthiest of the bunch and take between 10 months and a whole year! Sheesh. Patience is the name of the game here and you'll only receive 50% royalties as opposed to the 70% offered by KDP. However, with patience comes expertise, a marketing plan, distribution to worldwide sellers, and a group of editing personnel to pour over your book. So, if you are willing to wait for it, you're just a compelling pitch and successful crowdfunding campaign away from getting your book published and in the hands of readers. If patience isn't your thing, and you're not precious about ensuring your book reaches paying buyers from all over; then Kindle Direct Publishing is your best bet. However, it is worth remembering that you've put in considerable time and effort to get your book written, why not provide the same time and attention to the Self-Publishing journey?

They often say things come in threes, so without further ado…

Number 3: Reedsy

So, we've gone through Kindle Direct Publishing (do it all yourself, nice and quick, but maybe not a gigantic readership), Unbound (long labour of love, but with some substantial reward at the end) and now let us discuss Reedsy. Reedsy isn't going to publish your work for you like our two previous methods. However, it is perhaps the most comprehensive DIY methods that I shall cover. Reedsy was founded in 2014 and is marketed as a worldwide community of industry professionals who are on hand to perfect your book and aid you in the self-publishing journey.

Reedsy boasts a community of 1 million authors and 2500 freelance professionals to help them bring more than 15000 books to readers every year. Freelance professionals on hand include editors, designers, publicists, marketers, ghostwriters and web designers. As well as this, Reedsy offers online courses to help boost your knowledge (a self-publishing course is included), they also host writing competitions regularly. What's more, there are a plethora of tools on hand to help you in the writing process, such as a free book editing tool and a discover section where you can submit your book for review in the hope it gets promoted across the international Reedsy community.

On first impressions, this seems the pick of the bunch, especially when combined with Kindle Direct Publishing. If you were to use Reedsy to edit and market your book, and KDP to bring it to market, then you will have a strong Self-Publishing strategy indeed.

And on that note…

The Verdict

Self-Publishing gives you the power and the profit when compared to Traditional Publishing. The royalties offered by KDP and Unbound dwarf those of Traditional Publishers; according to Business Insider, Traditional Publishers offer around 10-15% in royalties. You also hand over a large chunk of creative control to the Traditional Publishers, and getting your foot in the door is a task in itself. However, the upside of the Traditional route is the decades of experience and the guaranteed strategy to bring your work to market.

According to a 2015 survey by Digital Book World, half of self-published authors earn below £650 a year, which is way less than the reported median income for traditionally published authors of between £1,900 & £3,200. However, that was before the foundation of Reedsy and Kindle Direct Publishing & Unbound was still in its infancy.

But, as I said in the introduction, the Digital era of the modern world has seen independent content creation go through the roof. And a Forbes article from 2019 supports this with the following statement:

"According to the latest report from ProQuest affiliate Bowker, self-publishing grew at a rate of more than 28% in 2017. The total number of self-published titles grew from 786,935 to 1,009,188, surpassing the million mark for the first time. Self-publishing of print books increased for the fifth consecutive year, driven by a 50% increase at CreateSpace (recently acquired and rolled into Amazon KDP) a self-publishing platform. As the numbers confirm, self-publishing continues to grow rapidly each year."

Success is there for the taking when self-publishing your work. If you want creative control and have a plucky DIY attitude then why are you still reading this, Self-Publish that book right now. In my opinion, using the tools on offer from Reedsy combined with Kindle Direct Publishing, you have a winning self-publishing formula. And if you'd rather a seasoned guiding hand then Unbound will put you on a great path to published work if you give it the time it deserves. We live in a world where everything is reachable, and towns and cities all over the UK still have their independent bookstores. Sell yourself, contact stores, get your book on shelves, arranging public readings, do it, I know you can. And now you know some of the places you can go to get it done.

I look forward to reading your books soon.

Good luck!


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