Publisher Spotlight: Myriad Editions

Spotlight: Myriad Editions




If you are seeking publishers who are wide in variety and bold in scope, then you may find Myriad Editions to be one of the finest examples. They provide engaging fiction, both in literary and graphic novel form, as well as a staggering range of infographic material. Other categories include poetry, crime, historical, and a section specifically devoted to Feminist Nonfiction.

They are passionate about promoting diversity and representation in all of their publications and have an eclectic range of writers who provide a rich level of insight, perspective, and personal experience to readers. Many of the titles, be they literary, comic book, or information, act as a doorway for audencies to gather a previously unattainable viewpoint on a series of very real topics occurring across the world, as well as close to home.

Myriad Edition’s origins go back as far as the early 90’s, and it was in 2005 that they started publishing under their own imprint. Since then, their catalogue and their mission statement has grown in strength, and they have now propelled the careers of no less than 100 writers. Their list of authors include New Internationalist Magazine founder and Royal Society of Literature prize winner, Peter Adamson, children's author and writer of What We Talk About When We Talk About Rape, Sohliala Abdulali, and award winning short story writer, Georgina Aboud.

Myriad Edition’s inventive and unique range of graphic novels also comprise a large bulk of their material. From Hannah Eaton’s brooding folk horror, Blackwood, to Darryl Cunnimgham’s informative and comedic Science Tales, and the award winning Japanese-inspired, For The Love of God, Marie! by Jade Sarson, Myriad showcases a collection as varied as it is groundbreaking. Covering a wealth of topics, reflective of life in the real world, visual art is combined with personal storytelling to take readers on a stylish and moving experience, time and time again.

Given all the quality and personality at work, it’s no surprise to learn that Myriad Editions have obtained a formidable stack of longlists, shortlists, and awards during their tenure. They have obtained prizes from the Royal Society of Literature, The Broken Frontier Awards, and The Bridport Prize. You can view the full list of prizes, and the authors they were awarded to, here.

To this day, Myriad Editions’ publications continue to expand. Upcoming titles include Yvonne Bailey Smith’s evocative tale of a young Jamaican immigrant, The Day I Fell Off My Island, set for release June 10, and Sabba Khan’s insightful graphic novel memoir, The Roles We Play, which will be released July 15. There is also great anticipation for Majid Adin’s tragicomic graphic novel, Hamid & Shakespeare which tells the story of a detained refugee with a big imagination, and is due for release August 5, 2021.

All aforementioned categories aside, Myriad Editions’ talent for infographics is another truly remarkable dimension to their publishing. They use image, text, and data to convey information on a range of political and social topics that might otherwise be very difficult to palletise. These wonderfully crafted and highly informative designs can then be used by professionals, students and anybody else interested in a specific topic. The service is created by a team of cartographers, editors and designers, and has so far provided an expanse of economic, social and political atlases, advocacy tools, and leaflets. You can discover more about Myriad Editions’ infographic publications, and a full portfolio here

In continuing their desire to inform, explore, and communicate, it’s easy to see why Myriad Editions are so well recognised and respected in the world of publishing. Their diverse and passionate material is a valued asset in a world of increasing misinformation and misunderstanding. To follow all the latest news on title releases and future events, and to view their full catalogue of publications, visit the Myriad Editions website. You can discover more about the authors and their work at the Myriad Editions YouTube Channel.

Aspiring writers are also advised to keep an eye out for the next opening of  Myriad Editionssubmissions section (currently closed). 2022 may also see the return of their First Draft and Graphic Novel competitions, where writers with high potential can submit their works-in-progress to an expert panel of judges for possible publication.

Ash Jacob

Ash writes features, interviews, spotlights, and book reviews.

Ash is a writer, YouTuber, and Doctor Who obsessive who loves reading and watching things. Many moons ago, he had short stories published in The Bristol Short Story Prize and The Spinetinglers Anthology. A scheme to self-publish a new novel is currently in the works.

Here’s a link Ash’s YouTube, The Chosen Chimp.

His work can be found on our blog.

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