The AEC - S N Sippy
S N Sippy is an actor, writer and a poet and the author of the new novella, The AEC, a supernatural love story about a retired New York banker who wishes he was young again when he sees a beautiful and a mysterious looking lady in his local café. S N Sippy is a psychology graduate based in London, further he spent over two years qualifying as a hypnotherapist and has always been fascinated with how the mind works His hobbies include reading & writing and doing meditation He has also recently published his book of short poems called “A Bit About Life” Both books are available via Amazon
GENRE: Fantasy
The AEC by S N Sippy- a short supernatural love story Edward John Garcia or Ed to his friends is a retired banker who grew up in provincial Rochester, New York and moved to New York City to work on Wall Street. Ed is divorced from his wife Beatrice (Bibi to her friends); long hours on the trading floor and time spent boozing with clients took a toll on his marriage.