In Conversation with Gareth Edwards, author of Magic Nana.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself. What drew you into writing children’s books?
I’ve always written. I used to write and illustrate my own stories when I was a little kid and then take them in to school. As an adult, I tend to document, often in notes, poems, or songs. I paint and write music too.
Can you tell us a little bit about Magic Nana & The Dragon Telescope.
Magic Nana and The Dragon Telescope is about seeing and celebrating the magic in everyday life. It is also about nourishing the power of imagination.
What does your writing process look like?
A mad scramble to get my ideas down as quickly as possible before my mind starts racing on to the next story! Ha! It’s very organic actually. Whilst I have a general idea of where a story is going, I let it lead me quite a lot too.
Magic Nana is filled with beautiful illustrations by Happy Designer HQ, can you tell us about the design process for this book?
Yes Sarah at Happy Designer has been truly wonderful. She absolutely got my characters and the significance of them for me, right from the very first conversation. She designed the layout and style of illustrations. I’m really really pleased how they have turned out.
What do you do for inspiration?
I don’t tend to do anything specifically. I’m never short of ideas and often find that inspiration strikes in all parts of life, inspiration is all around us.I channel my thoughts through creative outlets, whether it is writing, painting or singing.
What do you do when you’re not writing?
As mentioned, I make and release music. I paint. We are a family of 5 with 3 kids, the youngest of whom is 18 months so they keep me busy. I read and am working my way through ‘The Wheel of Time’ series in a desperate attempt to finish before the TV series hits screens next year.
Why did you decide to base the main characters on your own mother and daughter?
I lost my mother about 10 years ago, when she was quite young. My wife and I also lost a little baby daughter 24 hours after birth. She was called Kirrilly. This series is essentially me imagining how their relationship may have developed. It is a way that I can keep them both alive in some small part.
You published this book with Magic Mouse Books, an imprint of Partnership Publishing, can you tell us what the publishing process is like?
I love the folks at Magic Mouse books. Another partnership I’m super happy about. They make the process extremely easy for me and lead on things to do with printing, distribution and significantly help with marketing etc. They really know what they’re doing and take away an awful lot of the administrative side of things from me, allowing me to focus more on writing.
What do find the most challenging when it comes to publishing your book. Do you prefer some aspects over others?
The truth is that promotion is hard work and takes time. It takes strategic thought, regular and interesting content. I enjoy most elements, for example speaking with people about the series or meeting with a classroom full of children to talk about the books and the power of imagination, which is an overwhelmingly wonderful experience. The challenge for me is always the same… time
What is the most important message you hope readers of Magic Nana take away?
To nourish the power of your imagination!
What's the most useful advice you could give to an aspiring author?
To write what you enjoy and don’t think about what anyone else might think!
About the Author
Welsh/Australian Author, Artist, Musician, husband and father of three, Gareth Edwards balances his corporate life as a business consultant alongside his creative outlets. He created the ‘Magic Nana’ series of books based on real characters, particularly celebrating the special relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren. Gareth’s debut book in the ‘Magic Nana’ series published earlier this year is ‘Magic Nana and the Dragon Telescope’ and the second title to follow this summer is ‘Magic Nana and the Invisible Wolves’.
You can find Gareth on social media @magicnana_books
Twitter handle @magicnana_books
Contact link/email (Public)
Book Title Magic Nana and The Dragon Telescope
Published by Magic Mouse Books an imprint of Partnership Publishing
“Kirrilly my dear, your imagination is the most magical thing there is. With it anything you want can be real! Always remember that!” Kirrilly loves to visit her grandparents, Nana has a workshop which is full of wonder and new experiences. Grandad is always baking, serving them freshly baked cakes when they are back from their adventures – this isn’t just about relationships with grandparents, it is about friendship and like all good things… a little bit of magic.
It has been a year where children have spent more time in their homes and gardens than EVER before. Parents, grandparents, teachers and guardians have been trying their upmost to keep children entertained, interested and most of all motivated in such uncertain times. Children’s stories, games and imaginations are what never fails to amaze us. Gareth loves the magic that is possible in the minds of children and enjoys finding and encouraging that magic in everyday life. Each story in ‘The Magic Nana' series tells of the power of imagination.