Publisher Spotlight: Neem Tree Press
Ash Jacob Ash Jacob

Publisher Spotlight: Neem Tree Press

Read our sixth article in our Publisher Spotlight series written by Ash Jacob as he tells us everything we need to know about vibrant, independent publisher Neem Tree Press.

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Publisher Spotlight: Crescent Swan
Phil Bowne Phil Bowne

Publisher Spotlight: Crescent Swan

Read the fifth article in the Publisher Spotlight series written by Liam Collingborn as he tells us everything we need to know about new independent publisher: Crescent Swan.

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7 Highly Anticipated Debut Sci-Fi / Fantasy Titles of 2021
Ash Jacob Ash Jacob

7 Highly Anticipated Debut Sci-Fi / Fantasy Titles of 2021

When boredom and frustration becomes an unfortunate side-effect of everyday life, escaping into literature can be a fun way to pass the time, especially when it transports you to realms of the unknown. Read on to discover a 7 Highly Anticipated Debut Sci-Fi / Fantasy Titles of 2021 picked by Ash Jacob.

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6 Exciting Writing Competitions In the UK
Sophie Sullivan Sophie Sullivan

6 Exciting Writing Competitions In the UK

Have you ever considered entering a writing competition? Entering writing competitions could gain you instant status as an author, expose you to new readers beyond your mum and let’s not forget, if you win, there could be a nice little cash bonus. Click to read more as our in-house writer Sophie Sullivan shares her top 6 novel writing competitions.

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How To Diversify Your Reading
Sophie Sullivan Sophie Sullivan

How To Diversify Your Reading

Are you stuck in a reading rut? Our in-house writer Sophie Sullivan shares her top tips to fall back in love with books by diversifying your reading.

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3 Magical Novels Set in London
Phil Bowne Phil Bowne

3 Magical Novels Set in London

Missing the enchantment of trying to force yourself onto Platform 9 ¾ during a visit to King’s Cross Station? Read on to see how you can rediscover getting lost in the magic, a feeling only the UK’s capital can provide.

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5 of The Best 'Book Club' Books
Phil Bowne Phil Bowne

5 of The Best 'Book Club' Books

Book clubs have had more of an increasing buzz around them in recent years, with people wanting to share their newfound lockdown reads. Many have rediscovered their love for books, and what a rediscovery this has become! But what books really are the best to read and discuss within your book club?

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In Defence of Tatty Books
Jenna Adams Jenna Adams

In Defence of Tatty Books

A light-hearted piece defending people like me who bend, rip, underline, fold, drop in the bath, and generally mishandle their books during the reading process - much to the disgust of more careful readers.

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Why join a Book Club?
Sophie Sullivan Sophie Sullivan

Why join a Book Club?

So, you like books? Ever thought about joining a Book Club? In-house writer Sophie Sullivan talks through 5 reasons why you should consider joining a club.

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